2024-12-14 --------------------------------------------------------------------- This file is ** README.txt ** for the ** linearregression ** package --------------------------------------------------------------------- Author: Battista Benciolini <benciolinibattista at gmail dot com> --------------------------------------------------------------------- The package ** linearregression ** provides the definition of some document-level commands (and some auxiliary functions) that perform the linear regression on a set of data and present the data and the results in tabular and in graphic form. *************************************************************** *** The author would strongly appreciate to receive *** *** any comment, criticism and just usage reports *** *************************************************************** The expl3 syntax is used in the definition of most of the commands and functions. The distribution includes: + README.txt (this file) + linearregression.dtx (a self extracting and self documenting file) + linearregressionpkg.ins (used to only extract the package) + linearregression.pdf (documentation) Running pdflatex linearregression.dtx generates: * linearregression.pfd (full documentation, three pass needed) * mainlinearregression.tex (interactive main-program document) * linearregression.sty (package) * sampledata.txt (as the name says) Running pdflatex linearregressionpkg.ins generates: * linearregression.sty only. This program may be used, distributed and modified under the conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License. (see:http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt) ===================== END of README file ======================