Version 1.1:
  - Added the 'matching' environment

  - Continuous numbering of questions across sections is now

  - Removed the following environments:
        = shortanswer*
	= fillin*
	= fixed*
	= multiplechoice*
	= truefalse*
    (the functionality provided by these environments can now
    be obtained in other ways)

  - Changed the syntax of the standard sections.  The optional 
    argument now can be used to set a number of parameters 
    customizing that section.  These parameters are described
    at length in the documentation.  (Previously, it specified
    the section title.)
  - The format of the section number and identifier can now be
    easily customized.

  - Cross-referencing works.

  - The 'block' environment now accepts an optional argument.  
    Right now, the only optional argument is "questions", which
    specifies the number of questions in the block, and defines
    two new commands (\thefirst and \thelast) which refer to the
    range of questions which fall within that block.

  - The \pagebreak command can now be used to force pagebreaks
    before sections and questions.

  - The \BreakPageOnVersion command can be used to introduce
    pagebreaks before a question or section only on particular
    versions of the test.

  - For many of the standard question types, the command \ShortKey
    will produce a "shortened" answer key that contains only the
    answers (no question or section introduction text), hence saving

  - A not-so-terribly-ugly hack has been provided in order to facilitate
    the typesetting of any TeX code requiring catcode changes.

  - Fixed a bug that prevented the 'block' environment from
    working correctly inside some of the sections.

  - The TeX source has been simplified.  It's still not pretty,
    but it should be a lot easier to understand.

  - Probably some other stuff that I've forgotten...

Version 1.02:
  - Fixed a bug that broke the cedilla (\c) command.

  - Added the following environments:
	= frontmatter  = shortanswer*
	= endmatter    = fillin*
	= examtop      = fixed*
	= exampreface  = multiplechoice*
	= examclosing  = truefalse*
	= keytop
	= keypreface
	= keyclosing
	= block

  - Added the following commands:
	= \word
	= \examname
	= \key
	= \examvspace
	= \examvspace*
	= \examhspace
	= \examhspace*
	= \keyvspace
	= \keyvspace*
	= \keyhspace
	= \keyhspace*

  - Eliminated the \instructions command for inserting 
    instructions after the section header.  The section 
    environments are now "smart" enough to recognize
    when instructions appear.

  - The \exam command has been redefined.  The old \exam
    command, used for specifying the name of the exam, has
    been replaced by \examname.  

  - Added the following user-customizable lengths:
	= \beforesectsep   = \beforeinstsep
	= \aftersectsep    = \afterinstsep

  - Every question is now surrounded by \@beforequestionhook and
    \@endquestionhook, in case the user wants to use them for