Biochemistry-colors is copyright 2017 by Dr Engelbert Buxbaum <> This file may be distributed and/or modified 1. under the LaTeX Project Public License and/or 2. under the GNU Public License. Biochemistry-colors.sty defines the standard colors of biochemistry colors for use with D.P. Carlisle's color-package and U. Kern's xcolor (xcolor is loaded by Biochemistry-colors). They may be used by authors (with \usepackage) or by package writers (with \RequirePackage, e.g. to create Beamer color themes). Colors include: - Shapely-colors for amino acids and nucleotides - CPK-Colors (Corey, Pauling and Koltun) of elements - Jmol-colors of elements, important isotopes and structures - Glycopedia colors for sugars Biochemistry-colors.pdf provides a list of these colors with components in rgb (hex, word, decimal) and hsl-format. The source for this file is the spreadsheat Biochemistry-colors.xls These files are provided in the hope that they may be useful, but without any warranties.