__________________ The ASYFIG package v0.1c This package provides an alternative to the asymptote package for including Asymptote graphics in a LaTeX document. In this package, all Asymptote figures are defined separately from the source in their own individual ".asy" files. This package uses Asymptote's inline mode so that labels in the graphics are produced by the main typesetting run; this ensures consistent font and size selection of text within the graphics. In addition, each individual ".asy" graphic can be very quickly processed individually to facilitate easy maintenance and editing of the graphics. ______________ CHANGE HISTORY v0.1c - Add compilation flags to generate 2D vector output in the case of 3D graphics v0.1b - Now supports Asymptote v1.78 (an internal macro was changed that needed to be mirrored in this package) v0.1a - Initial public release after Asymptote was added to CTAN and TeX Live ____________ INSTALLATION Run `latex` on asyfig.tex to produce the files asyfig.ins, asyfig.sty, asyalign.sty, asyprocess.sty, and README.txt, as well as to compile the PDF documentation. Execute `tex pstool.ins` to produce the files above except pstool.ins (and the PDF file, obviously). ___________ MAINTENANCE Please report bugs or request features: <http://github.com/wspr/asyfig/issues> Developmental and historical versions: <http://github.com/wspr/asyfig> Current release version: <http://ctan.tug.org/pkg/asyfig> ___________ LICENCE The asyfig collection of packages are released under the LaTeX Project Public License. More information can be found within the PDF documentation. ______________ Will Robertson Copyright 2008-2009