Announcing ASAETR 1.0, a set of LaTeX and BibTeX styles, with documentation,
to make your articles look like those in Transactions of the American Society 
of Agricultural Engineers. This is a vast improvement over ASAETR 0.9,
which was released in Dec 90.  Enjoy.

20142 	asaetr.sty 	LaTeX style for ASAE TRANSACTIONS
2050 	asaesub.sty 	style used w/ asaetr.sty to meet submission guidelines
23037 	asaetr.bst	BibTeX style for ASAE articles
10413 	asaetr.tex	Documentation
128140	PostScript version of documentation
384 	asaetr.bib	BibTeX database used for documentation
5416	METAFONT source for slanted, small caps font

If you need a pk/tfm for the above font, let me know.

James Darrell McCauley 

Until 14 Feb 1992:
Graduate Research Assistant 
Spatial Analysis Laboratory
Department of Agricultural Engineering 
Texas A&M University 
College Station, TX 77843-2117, USA
(, jdm5548@tamagen.bitnet)

After 17 Feb 1992:
USDA Fellow
Department of Agricultural Engineering 
Purdue University
West Lafayette, IN 47907-1146, USA