o Added compatibility with ClassicThesis 4.4

March 2017
o Fixed some details in the documentation

January 2017
o The subsection, subsubsection and paragraph titles are now in boldface
o Larger text body size
o Removed commands \arsincludegraphics, \ctLaTeX, \ctLaTeXe, \ctTeX: now the package has no commands at all 
o Fixed some details in the documentation and in arsclassica-settings file
o Rationalized "Changes" file

February 2012
o Fixed page numbers with "oneside" global option
o Caption package loaded
o Added compatibility with ClassicThesis 4.0
o Fixed some details in the documentation

June 2010
o Added compatibility with ClassicThesis 3.0 
o Removed language option: the package now has no option at all  
o In the documentation, bibliography made with biblatex package
o Documentation only in English 

February 2010
o Added compatibility with ClassicThesis 2.7

January 2009
o Corrected some typos in the documentation
o Documentation both in English and in Italian 
o Support for English, French, Spanish and German

December 2008
o The part numbers are now in Roman (uppercase) and not in roman (lowercase)
o Fixed some details in the documentation

November 2008
o First public release