Palladam Tamil Font, Version 2.1 All versions Copyright (c) 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992 T. Govindaraj +1 404 325 7446, File name: Palladam2.1.Readme, 92.2.9, 9:00 Hrs, EST. _______________________________________________________________________________ Changes in version 2.1 1. Since we do not have cases in Tamil script, I use lower case letters on the QWERTY keyboard for the consonants in their basic form and for vowels. <shift>-letter now has a different meaning. For vowels, <shift>-letter gives you the same Tamil letter as before (i.e., <shift>a = ah). For consonants, <shift>-letter now gives the corresponding Tamil letter + u, i.e., <shift>r = "ru". (In Version 1, you had to type <option>r for "ru".) <option>-letter now gives you the corresponding Tamil letter + u_, i.e., <option>r = "roo", as in Roopa. Unfortunately some letters still require <shift><option>-letter to get the " + u_" combination. This is due to the way Apple maps the keys. I have removed braces {} and replaced them with "nu" (as in Bhanu) and "nnu" (as in Anu for atom). The longer forms of these consonants with u and u_ are available with <option>- or <shift><option>-letter. While I lost two characters, the change makes the typing more consistent. 2. You can now get the dot on the consonant either by typing "f" or by typing back quote as before. 3. You can now get the backslash to produce the same thing as the <option>-6. (This is the "kahll" that you get when a consonant combines with "a_".) I assume that the loss of backslash to make it easy to use a frequently used symbol won't cause too many problems. You now have two ways of generating the symbol. Thank you, M. Thavarajah, for suggesting some of these changes. _______________________________________________________________________________ Instructions included with the original version (July 1990) are given below. Recent changes are given at the end. _______________________________________________________________________________ Instructions for use of the font on a Macintosh computer (July 1990) (The Key Map file shows the mappings of the keys and uses Courier and Palladam fonts.) Palladam.bmap contains the bitmaps. Use Font/DA Mover to add the Palladam Tamil Font to your System. Drag the icon that shows the number 1 (on a sheet of paper at an angle) on top of a laser printer (with the name Palla) into the System Folder for use by PostScript-compatible printer. Notes and Suggestions Please see the file Palladam.Copyright for a brief history and copyright information. "Palladam" was developed using Fontographer, which generates the bitmaps as well as the necessary PostScript files. The screen bitmap fonts are not very "pretty". However, they print nicely on a laser printer. They should also print reasonably well on an Imagewriter. For ease of use while you are in a word processor, I recommend that you type using Size 18, and print using Size 10 or 12. (The letters of the same size look larger for Palladam than for other fonts. Therefore, size 12, for instance, requires more space than a size 12 Courier or other font. This has not been a problem for me. I normally print in 10 or 12 size, and use 1 1/2 spacing.) I do have a bitmap font (written using Fontastic Plus) that I may decide to distribute (under the same conditions, free) after I fix some inconsistencies. That font "looks" nicer on the screen. Keyboard mappings Tamil letters have been mapped to English letters by sound and/or type (vowels or consonants). While I have mapped most letters to letters normally used for them, (e.g., z for zh), the letters Q, W, X, and B (as well as [ and ]) have been used somewhat arbitrarily. My justification is that I had to find some letters and the ones I found were the most convenient. Back quote (`) is used for the dot required for the consonants. Option and Shift Option keys are used to represent the conjugations of consonants with vowels. Option-<number> are used for most combinations, with Option-7 and Option-8 used for (d + i) and (d + i_) respectively. Option-1,2,3,4,5,6,and 9 are used for the additions required for i, i_, e, e_, ai, a_, and ai (traditional form). Option-<letter> is used for the combination <consonant + u>, with exceptions shown above (nu as in Bhanu = option [ (try [[ if a single [ does nothing), nu as in anu (atom) = option-/, nu as in nurai (foam) = shift-option-n). Shift-Option-<letter> is used for the combination <consonant + u_>, with the exception shown above (nu_ as in nu_l (book, thread) = shift-option-o). Some words and symbols have been adapted from the following sources. Kazhakath Thamizh Agarathi, June 1985 T. Burrow and M. B. Emeneau (1984). A Dravidian Etymological Dictionary, Second Edition, Clarendon Press, Oxford. a (amma / mother) a (option a = +a; +a = kaal) a_ (a_lamaram / banyan) sh a A (a_ = a underbar) i (ilai / leaf) i i_ (i_ / fly) sh i I u (ural / mortar) u u_ (u_si / needle) sh u U e (eli / rat) e e_ (e_ni / ladder) sh e E ai (aindhu / 5) option i i o (ottakam / camel) o o_ (o_nayy / wolf) sh o O au (auvvai / the poetess) option i o ah (ehhu / steel) f k (kappal / ship) k ng (singam / lion) g c (sangu / conch) c n~ (gnayiru / sun) w t. (padam / picture) d n (kinaru / well) ] * (option /) th (thavalai / frog) t n (nandu / crab) n * (sh opt n = nu; sh op o = nuu) p (pambaram / top) p m (mayil / peacock) m y (yanai / elephant) y r (raja / king) r l (valai / net) l v (vandi / cart) v zh (pazham / fruit) z l.. (vilakku / lamp q (l over one or two dots) rr (paravai / bird) b n (maan / deer) [ * (option [ [) h (hari) h j (raja) j s (swami) s sh (shankara) x xsh (laxshmi) none Trademark Inforamtion Imagewriter, LaserWriter, and Macintosh are trademarks of Apple Computer. Fontographer and Fontastic Plus are trademarks of Altsys Corporation. PostScript is a trademark of Adobe Systems, Inc. Acknowledgements The incentive for writing this font has been my mother. She never asked that I write her using a computer, but I wanted to do it anyway! Though my folks would prefer to see my handwriting rather than some mechanized version of it, they have gotten used to it and even seem to like it (or not mind it). I thank everyone in my family, in the US and in India. They deserve all the credit, and I accept any blame (or is it the other way around?!). _______________________________________________________________________________ Note added on 92.2.9 I have created a mailing list called tamil-palladam. This mailing list is unmoderated. This list is intended for discussions relevant to the "Palladam" Tamil font. You can post articles to the mailing list by sending them directly to Please send mail to if you would like to get on/off the mailing list. Do not send any mail to the entire mailing list (i.e., unless you want everybody on the list to receive a copy. _______________________________________________________________________________